Friday, January 28, 2011

Lots of Info

A lot of notes came home today. Here are the links just in case you lost them or need a new one.

February Calendar

L.O.V.E. Project

Valentine's Day Info


Have a great weekend!!

***The L.O.V.E. Project DID NOT make it home on Friday. It will be coming home in the students' daily folders on Monday. Sorry for any confusion. Feel free to check out the info, but it will be coming home on Monday!

Friday, January 21, 2011


These Second Graders have earned a pin on the AR 3 point banner!!  Congratulations to Anna, Brady, Josh, Brooklynn, Johnluka and Angelle!!

The newest AR contest started on Monday and goes til February 28th.  You have to earn 2 points between now and then to win an ice cream party.  Good luck and happy reading!!

Fraction Homework

Students have a homework assignment this weekend.

Fraction Homework
Your homework is quite simple this weekend. Your job is to eat a fraction! Think of all the things we eat that are fractions. If you ate a piece of pizza, you ate a fraction. If you ate a sandwich cut into equal pieces, you ate a fraction. I think you get the picture! Draw a picture of what you ate. Write the fraction. Then write a sentence or two about the fraction you ate. Have fun!

I tried to attach the homework from school. When I get home, I will see if it uploaded and if it didn't I will fix it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Spelling Help

Okay Parents, I need your help!  I found a great website for spelling practice at home.  Please try out this site and give me your feedback as to how you like it and if you would use it at home.  If I get a good response I will continue to update this weekly.  The words on the site are next week's words.  Some of the students have changed groups and will be in a new group next week.  Check with your child, I told them about it yesterday!  Check out this site and let me know how you like it:



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to papers

We have just begun working on How to papers.  Today students and I wrote about how to get ready for bed.  Tomorrow students will be working in groups to write a how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  We will read them all and decide which one is our best.  Then we will exchange papers with Mrs. Nicolai's class.  She will follow our instructions to make a PB & J sandwich and we will do the same with her class's instructions.  This will follow up with How to Build a Snowman next week.  It should be fun! 

Here are some ideas that you can do at home to help reinforce this concept.

Recipe Round-up

Recipes are great ways for your child to learn about how-to essays. Most recipes have a list of ingredients and then a paragraph explaining all the steps needed to prepare and cook the dish. Together with your child, read recipes together and compare and contrast them. What sequence words do the recipes use? Are the steps clear and manageable? Then write your own recipes together. Brainstorm different dishes together and break down the preparation into simple steps. Encourage your child to use graphic organizers such as flowcharts and numbered lists and imagine the whole process to organize the steps.


Giving directions is a fantastic way to practice sequence words. Give your child directions to walk to a secret location in your home. Model using sequence words in your directions: “First, walk down the hallway. Second, make a left turn at the end of the hallway.” You may wish to place a surprise at the secret location and have your child find it. Then switch roles and have your child direct you to a secret location. You may wish to alternate between writing down directions and giving verbal directions.


I forgot to mention this yesterday.   The kids like to get comfy at their seats and take their shoes off.  I do not mind this, but I don't like them to walk around the room in socks because of staples or other sharp things that might be on the floor.  Because of that (& the madness of snow boots!) I don't mind if the kids bring in an extra pair of slippers to leave here at school.  Then they can get comfy in the classroom. 

Also, if you have an extra hoodie or sweatshirt that can be left in their locker, that would be helpful.  Most of the time the classroom is very comfortable, but there are times I cannot maintain a warm feeling.  This would be helpful in during those really cold days of winter. 


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Some Info

Sorry, it's been awhile since I posted information on here!! Just wanted to let you know that due to the craziness of this week, there will be no spelling. I retested some of the kids before Christmas break and shifted some around. After looking over the results and seeing their scores on the past two tests, I have also made a few changes. I will let those students know tomorrow.

Great job on the timelines! They look great! I can't wait to have the kids present them.

Friday is a half day, however, we will still have research center. So, please be sure to send your child with their books. A new Accelerated Reader contest started today. Please encourage your child to participate. They have to earn 2 points between now and the end of February. That's just 4 books, if they pass with a 100%. We have quite a few students who have earned a button on the AR banner. Be sure to check that out!

Okay, I think I've covered everything I wanted to... Have a great night!

Making 3D Shapes

Winter Fun!