Monday, February 11, 2013


Please remember we are having our ice cream sundae party on WEdnesday afternoon due to our double specials on Thursday.  Please have your child turn in their items by Tuesday, so if I have to go out and purchase anything I can do it Tuesday evening. 

Last week students had a homework packet that included their homework to create a Valentine's box.  Here are the directions:  Design a Valentine mailbox.  This can be a shoebox, cereal box, clothing box, whatever.  Decorate your box to match your interests, hobbies, etc.  Due by Wed., Feb. 13th.

Students have two options with their Valentine's.  They can either make them out "To My Friend" or individually.  I will send home a class list today for those of you who wish to make them out to individual students. 

I hope this clarifies any confusion there might be regarding our celebration.  This is a very low-key afternoon.  We are enjoying our ice cream and watching Up.  Thanks for all your help!
~Ms. Proper

Michelle Proper
2nd Grade Teacher
Switzer Elementary
Check out our NEW website!!!


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