Friday, March 30, 2012

Important Info!

Due to the week we get back being a short week (and missing a few students today,) I have decided to not test the spelling words this week until next week.  Spelling City will still be up and operating over break, so your child can practice over break.

The Cell Phones for Soldiers contest is ongoing until May 24th.  So, if you know of anyone getting a new cell phone, please snatch up the old one and send it in....We're counting on you, Mr. Razook!  :0)

Travel poster homework will be coming home next week and will be due Monday, April 23rd.  Be on the lookout.

If you have not yet turned in your field trip permission slip and money, please do so as soon as we get back from break.  We will have to total up everything and give it to the office the week we get back.  Thanks for your understanding.  I will be sending reminders on Tuesday, after I total up everyone who has already turned it in.

Have a wonderful break!  I am looking forward to some snuggle time with my little cutie pie!  :0)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spelling This Week

Due to me not being in school the beginning of the week, I am not asking the kids to know their spelling words.  We will have the same words next week so I can do the sorts and really work with them with the patterns.  Thanks for your understanding!