Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We Made Gas!

Today the students were learning about gases.  I taught them that the atoms in a gas are moving around really fast and there is a lot of space between all the atoms.  I then showed them a chemical reaction that produced gas and it blew up a balloon.  The kids loved the experiment and I told them I would post it up here.  They would need YOUR permission and help to do this at home.

All you'll need is a bottle (empty water, pop or adult beverage bottle is fine), white vinegar, balloon and baking soda.

Fill bottle with the vinegar.  Carefully put the baking soda into the balloon.  Attach the balloon to the top of the bottle and dump the baking soda into the vinegar and viola!  You made a gas!  Have fun!!


1 comment:

  1. Alyssa was very excited over this! She came home and told me mom we all made gas at school today. (lol) Then she asked if we could make I am so glad you posted we can make our own gas!
